
Is AddWallet Better Than Zeek Rewards?

I do not know if I would say it is a better program than zeek rewards was but I can tell you
Confidently that over 20,000 people are happy and grateful that Add Wallet is available for them
And their families.
A lot of people don’t realize that Zeek Rewards changed peoples perspective on the network marketing industry because they simply showed people the money FIRST! They renewed peoples
Faith in network marketing, in business and yes even in people. I don’t think its fair to compare
Add Wallet or any other passive residual income opportunity to the pioneering Zeek Rewards
Because without the existence of Zeek many of the new revenue sharing programs would not be bold enough to even launch their programs.
So now instead of trying to compare Add Wallet to Zeek why not let the program stand on it’s own

Some Points of Interest:
NO Sponsoring Required to get paid passive daily income
Just 3 Minutes of Daily Work Qualifies you to get paid a share in total company profits daily!
A monthly fee as low as $10 positions you to potentially generate thousands in daily and weekly income!
The products and services sold by the company are some of the most sought after services being sold on the Internet! These services have a huge profit margin and a huge repeat order potential to real retail customers.
A lightning fast building 2 x forced matrix truly allows people to receive the illusive spillover other companies only talk about. I personally built a team of over 400,000 in Zeek and many in my team who never made any real money in any other program ended up with thousands below them in
My downline putting thousands of dollars in their pockets from other peoples efforts.
Add Wallet truly is a very affordable, realistic life changing opportunity for average people who want to generate above average income without selling or harassing their family and friends.
Join our team TODAY by visiting then give me a call and let me help you get started on the fast track!

AddWallet, The New Kid on the Block

For those who wish to create another passive 
income stream. All that is required for all members to earn is to view
 7 websites each day – 20 seconds each – less than 3 minutes.
Based upon the research that was conducted
 so far, I believe it would a very wise decision to register in 
the new Add Wallet program. To this date, approximately 45,000 folks have already done so during the first month.
And, since there is a matrix structure, it would wise to act quickly.
Many folks are calling AddWallet the “new ZeekRewards”.
Why would anyone want to join a program similar to Zeek when the
 program was declared a ponzi by the authorities?
The answer is very simple.
Zeek’s revolutionary compensation model has forever changed the industry 
because of the “Revenue Sharing Model” and “Daily Compounding”.
These two facets of their compensation plan created some of the biggest
 paychecks the industry had ever seen…all in record time.
Here is the main reason that Zeek Rewards attracted tens of thousands of
 members in record time….. “They Earned Daily Income Without Recruiting!”
With my upline having spoke to members of the management team, and being satisfied
 with the answers to their inqueries,  I believe that this could earn many a 
life-changing income, just like Zeek Rewards did in 2011 and 2012.
The sooner you take action and join our team, the more likely you will receive spillover in your 2×15 forced matrix. My best advice (since it is FREE TO JOIN) is to act quickly.
Take a few minutes and JOIN NOW
I have a feeling, that this is going to be the next BIG money-maker on the internet 

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